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An Evaluation Of 2 Court-Based Eviction Diversion Programs In Pennsylvania

In the this report, we examined the impact of two eviction diversion programs in the state: Eviction Prevention Court in Chester County, and the eviction diversion program in the Berks County city of Reading.

Itinerance Au Quebec - 2ieme Portrait

Le présent document s’adresse spécifiquement aux intervenants du réseau québécois de la santé et des services sociaux et n’est accessible qu’en version électronique à l’adresse:

© Gouvernement du Québec, 2022

The Guardian - Canada Study Debunks Stereotypes Of Homeless Peoples Spending Habits

The widely held stereotype that people experiencing homelessness would be more likely to spend extra cash on drugs, alcohol and “temptation goods” has been upended by a study that found a majority used a $7,500 payment mostly on rent, food, housing, transit and clothes.

The biases punctured by the study highlight the difficulties in developing policies to reduce homelessness, say the Canadian researchers behind it.

RHLS - Achieving Housing Stability With Eviction Diversion Programs

It is not just the number of evictions that is creating the crisis. An eviction is much more than a move across town; it is a life altering event that negatively affects many aspects of the tenant’s life. Once a tenant has an eviction on their record, their ability to find a new home is severely limited.3 They will often end up in poorer quality housing at a higher rent. Too often evicted tenants become homeless.

LSE - Newhams Housing First Pilot Project

In 2018, the London Borough of Newham (LBN) commissioned LSE Housing and Communities to undertake an evaluation of their “Housing First” pilot project.

Expanding Shelter Diversion And Eviction Prevention Programs In Canada

How many organizations across Canada offer Shelter Diversion (SD) and Eviction Prevention (EP) programs and what's the key to their success?

That’s what our new project aims to discover, with your help! Tell us about your SD or EP program, so that together we can create tools to help other communities implement successful SD and EP programs to prevent and end homelessness.

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Email: barbra@ahandup.org

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